Professional Spot & Stain Remover
A Non-Toxic Spot and Stain Remover for Carpets & Upholstery.
Safe for pets, children and wool products.
Based on detergent free technology.
No dwell time required – just apply and agitate.
Contains no brighteners, soaps, detergents or enzymes – no foam or sticky residues which cause re-soiling.
Completely non-toxic – safe for you or your pets.
Non irritating – even if it’s not rinsed it’s safe for babies and pets.
Odourless – absolutely no fumes – safe to use around asthmatics.
No bleaching agents – no light patches left after treatment.
+ £1.50 shipping
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BACS Details:
Account Name: Your Choice Cleaning
Account Number: 31685068
Sort Code: 30-93-25
£13.50 total
including shipping
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